Facilitator Certification
Level 1
This is the basic level of certification that ALL programme facilitators must complete to be able to run the Effective Persuasion programme. Facilitators who achieve this level can run the 90 Minutes and 1 Day sessions.
The criteria are as follows:
Proficiency in English and their chosen language
Complete 3 hours of online training to become familiar with the programme content
Complete 1 hour of online coaching/assessment with Master Facilitator
License Fee: SGD$1,000 (Sponsorship Available)
Level 2
This is the intermediate level of certification that ALL programme facilitators must complete to be able to run the Effective Persuasion programme. Facilitators who achieve this level can run the 90 Minutes, 1 Day and 3 Days sessions.
The criteria are as follows:
Proficiency in English and their chosen language
Complete 6 hours of online training to become familiar with the programme content
Complete 1 hour of online coaching/assessment with Master Facilitator
Complete 2 hours of online lessons based on content from the 1 Day or 3 Day programmes
Complete 2 x 90 Minutes programmes
Demonstrate ability to train for key skills as listed within the programmes
Demonstrate basic coaching skills when running a class
Customise case scenarios for the local markets
License Fee: SGD$3,000 (Sponsorship Available)
Level 3
This is the intermediate level of certification that ALL programme facilitators must complete to be able to run the Effective Persuasion programme. Facilitators who achieve this level can run the 90 Minutes, 1 Day, 3 Days and 5 Days sessions.
The criteria are as follows:
Proficiency in English and their chosen language
Complete 6 hours of online training to become familiar with the programme content
Complete 2 hours of online coaching/assessment with Master Facilitator
Complete 4 x 1 Day or 2 x 3 Days programmes
Demonstrate ability to train for key skills as listed within the programmes
Demonstrate advanced coaching skills when running a class
Customise case scenarios for the local markets
License Fee: SGD$5,000 (Sponsorship Available)
Master Facilitator
This is the intermediate level of certification that ALL programme facilitators must complete to be able to run the Effective Persuasion programme. Facilitators who achieve this level can run all programmes and conduct certifications for Levels 1-3.
As a local Master Facilitator, you will have the following rights and privileges:
60% profit sharing of all local territory certification fees
Certify Levels 1-3 for local territory (To be defined)
Authorised to issue Trainer Certificates
Authorised to recruit trainers
The criteria are as follows:
Completed Level 1-3 of Facilitator Training within 2 years
Complete 5 x 1 Day, 5 x 3 Days and 2 x 5 Days programmes within 2 years
"Live" Classroom observation by Master Facilitator
Submit 5 x royalty-free case scenarios for the local markets to be used in the programme
License Fee: SGD$10,000 (Sponsorship Available)
All facilitators or lecturers must complete the appropriate level of training before they are allowed to conduct lessons or to issue certificates to participants.
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